Faculty Policies

The policies on this page broadly apply to faculty affairs, including research grants, tenure and promotion, faculty credentials, and more.

Academic Curriculuar Program Directors

This policy relates to those responsible for directing one or more undergraduate programs. These could be majors, minors in degree programs or certificate programs.

Annual Evaluation of Adjunct and Visiting Faculty

This policy provides additional information and guidance for evaluating adjunct and visiting faculty. This may also apply to any "faculty of special status" as outlined in the Faculty Administration Manual.

Appointments of Emeriti Academic Administrators

This policy outlines the conditions under which an "Emeritus" or "Emerita" title may be used for both retired faculty and academic administrators.

Council of Deans

This policy establishes the Council of Deans to foster regular meetings, offer academic counsel, review policies, allocate budgets, and provide recommendations.

Courtesy Faculty Appointments

This policy establishes guidelines for courtesy faculty appointments, promoting interaction and contribution to the institution's academic excellence without financial compensation.

Faculty Payment for Overtime Instruction

This policy permits roster faculty to take overload teaching assignments under specific conditions, ensuring fair compensation and maintaining academic standards.

Gift Card for Research Participants

This policy governs the use of electronic gift cards as compensation for participation in research. It will comply with federal and state regulations, college guidelines, and ethical standards of human participant research.

Gift Card Procedure

This policy outlines procedures for compensating research participants with electronic gift cards, ensuring compliance with income-reporting requirements and maintaining confidentiality.

Instructors of Record and Faculty Credentials

This policy ensures faculty competence aligned with SACSCOC principles. Procedures for faculty qualifications are maintained by the Provost's Office, overseen by academic leadership.

Released Salaries from External Grants and Contracts

This policy outlines allocation of state-funded salaries for Academic Affairs staff when grant funding covers salaries, detailing relevant procedures.

Sabbatical Leave Policy

This policy outlines eligibility, purpose, priorities, and compensation for sabbatical leave, emphasizing research and professional development opportunities for faculty members.

Supplemental Letters for Newly Appointed Faculty

This policy dictates the preparation of appointment letters for roster faculty, specifying content under the Provost's signature and delineating the authority for other communications.