How to Get a Documentation of Recovery Letter to Travel if You’ve Had a Recent COVID-19 Infection

Documentation of Recovery Letter

Covid Testing MiamiCOVID-19 TestingDocumentation of Recovery Letter

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all parts of the world and air travel increasing the chance of contracting COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just published new rules for travelers returning to the United States. In addition to the revised entry requirements for the United States, a number of foreign countries will also allow travelers to enter with proof that they’ve recovered from the coronavirus instead of a negative COVID-19 test result.

The most important change for international travelers to know about is that as of December 2, 2021, the CDC requires all passengers (ages 2 and up) returning to the US to present a negative COVID PCR or negative Antigen test which has been done within one day of travel or to show documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days.

What if I’ve recently been infected with COVID-19 and need to travel?

I you have recently been infected with COVID-19 and need to travel, fortunately, the CDC now allows recovered COVID-19 patients to enter the US under the following conditions:

At the same time, some countries, including Canada and many EU Countries, will accept a recent Positive COVID-19 PCR test as proof of COVID-19 recovery.

Consider thoroughly reading your destination’s COVID-19 entry requirements (the US Department of State maintains a searchable list of countries with specific information on entry requirements), as well as what will be required of you when you return home.

What is a Document of Recovery?

The Document of Recovery from COVID (also known as the “Recovery Certificate”) is a document signed by a licensed healthcare provider that allows someone who has recently recovered from COVID-19 (but still has a positive COVID test) to enter the United States, Canada, or the European Union if they have self-isolated for an adequate period of time.

What is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Recovery Documentation?

Having the recovery documentation from COVID-19 will allow travelers to return or fly to their destination even if their COVID-19 test is positive.

One of the problems with recent COVID-19 infections is that a patient may continue to test positive for weeks or even months after the infection has cleared up from the body. A positive COVID-19 test in a patient who has recovered from COVID-19 and who no longer has any symptoms will most likely indicate that the test is detecting non-infectious virus fragments and the patient is no longer infectious.

However, because many countries across the globe now require a negative COVID-19 PCR or a negative antigen test for all returning travelers, anyone who has recently recovered from a COVID-19 infection and wishes to fly to the United States, Canada or the EU Countries might face difficulties with presenting a negative viral COVID-19 test.

What Information Must be included to Show Documentation of Recovery from COVID?

A traveler must meet 6 requirements to show Documentation of Recovery from COVID.

  1. Test type
    The test type must be a viral test (ex: PCR or an Antigen Test)
  2. Where the test was performed.
    The name of the laboratory and their contact information or the name of the health care provider who performed the testing, must be included.
  3. Timing
    The test must show the specimen was collected within 90 days.
    Tests that are older than 90 days will not qualify for proof of recovery.
  4. Identification
    The test must include information that identifies the person. A person’s name and at least one additional identifier such as date of birth, age or passport number must be included
  5. Positive COVID-19 Test Result
    The test result must be positive. Results marked “invalid” will not accepted. Phrases describing a positive test could include, but are not limited to, Positive, Positive-SARS-CoV-2 RNA Detected, SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detected, COVID-19 Detected or Reactive.
  6. Signed Letter
    Must also have a signed letter stating the passenger is cleared for travel.The letter must be: