A healthcare consultant agreement is a legal document that relays the terms and conditions of a professional relationship between a healthcare organization (the Client) and an independent contractor (the Consultant). The primary purpose of this employment agreement is to ensure that both parties are on the same page with regard to the services the consultant is being hired to perform, the compensation they shall receive in return, and the terms and conditions that will govern their working relationship during the term of employment. Both parties must sign the document, and initial each page, before the consultant may begin improving the efficiency and organization of the client’s company structure.
A healthcare consultant’s job is to render a healthcare organization as financially efficient as possible. The process begins when the organization contacts the consultant to relay the area of their business that requires improvement. The consultant will then collect data by interviewing employees, reviewing the organization’s costs and income, and conducting onsite investigations. They will then analyze the collected business data, prepare research reports, and introduce processes and systems that will reduce expenditures and improve the organization as a whole. The consultant may be hired to stay on and work with the organization staff to oversee the implementation of the solutions they’ve proposed.