Lease Termination Letter (30-Day Notice to Vacate)

Use our lease termination letter to end a month-to-month lease.

lease termination

Updated August 30, 2024
Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Susan Chai, Esq.

A lease termination letter lets a landlord or tenant end a month-to-month lease in compliance with their state’s laws. Either party can send this notice in the middle of a tenancy at will, and the tenant will have a certain period to vacate the property.

Ending a Lease Early

A tenant can request early termination by writing an early lease termination letter, but the landlord doesn’t have to fulfill their request. A landlord may issue an eviction notice if they want to end a lease early for a violation on the tenant’s part.

Lease Termination Letter – By State

What Is a Lease Termination Letter?

A lease termination letter lets you end a month-to-month lease as a landlord or tenant. Even if your lease does not explicitly require written notice, using a lease termination letter can protect you in the event of a later dispute. A landlord or tenant will often present this document to the other party to ensure there’s no confusion about when the property will be vacant.

If a dispute arises with your attempt to terminate a lease, the court may not side with you if you didn’t use a termination letter. The law may not favor tenants who move out with notice or landlords who end a lease without proper notice. The standard notice period is 30 days, but it depends on whether you’re the landlord or the tenant and the state in which you live.

Lease Termination vs. Eviction: Key Differences

Explore some of the key differences between lease termination and eviction:

State Rules on Required Notice to Terminate Month-to-Month Leases

Each state has different guidelines on the notice a landlord or tenant has to give before terminating a month-to-month lease:

State Tenants' Required Notice Landlords' Required Notice Laws
Alabama 30 days 30 days AL Code § 35-9A-441
Alaska 30 days 30 days AK Stat. § 34.03.290
Arizona 30 days 30 days AZ Rev. Stat. § 33-1375
Arkansas 30 days 30 days AR Code § 18-17-704
California 30 days 30 days CA Civ. Code § 1946
Colorado 91 days for a tenancy of one year or longer
28 days for a tenancy of six months or longer but less than one year
21 days for a tenancy of one month or longer but less than six months
3 days for a tenancy between one week and one month
1 day for a tenancy less than one week
91 days for a tenancy of one year or longer
28 days for a tenancy of six months or longer but less than one year
21 days for a tenancy of one month or longer but less than six months
3 days for a tenancy between one week and one month
1 day for a tenancy less than one week
CO Rev. Stat. § 13-40-107
Connecticut No provision 3 days CT Gen. Stat. § 47a-23
Delaware 60 days 60 days DE Code tit. 25 § 5106
District of Columbia 30-120 days depending on the reason for termination 30-120 days depending on the reason for termination DC Code § 42-3505.54
Florida 30 days 30 days FL Stat. § 83.57
Georgia 30 days 60 days GA Code § 44-7-7
Hawaii 28 days 45 days HI Rev. Stat. § 521-71
Idaho 1 month 1 month ID Stat. § 55-208
Illinois 30 days 30 days 735 ILCS 5/9-207
Indiana 30 days 30 days IN Code § 32-31-1-1
Iowa 30 days 30 days IA Code § 562A.34
Kansas 30 days 30 days KS Stat. § 58-2570
Kentucky 30 days 30 days KY Rev. Stat. § 383.695
Louisiana 10 days 10 days LA Civ. Code Art. 2728
Maine 30 days 30 days ME Stat. Tit. 14 § 6002
Maryland 30 days 60 days MD Code, Real. Prop. § 8-402
Massachusetts Longer of 30 days or interval between days of payment. Longer of 30 days or interval between days of payment. MA Gen. Laws ch. 186 § 12
Michigan 1 month 1 month MI Comp. Laws § 554.134
Minnesota Lesser of 3 months or the interval between the time rent is due. Lesser of 3 months or the interval between the time rent is due. MN Stat. § 504B.135
Mississippi 30 days 30 days MS Code § 89-8-19
Missouri 1 month 1 month Montana 30 days 30 days MT Code § 70-24-441
Nebraska 30 days 30 days NE Rev. Stat. § 76-1437
Nevada 30 days 30 days NRS § 40.251
New Hampshire 30 days 30 days NH Rev. Stat. § 540:3
New Jersey 1 month 1 month NJ Stat. § 2A:18-56
New Mexico 30 days 30 days NM Stat. § 47-8-37
New York 1 month 30 days NY Real Prop. Law § 232-B and NY Real Prop. Law § 226-C
North Carolina 7 days 7 days NC Gen. Stat. § 42-14
North Dakota 1 calendar month 1 calendar month ND Cent. Code § 47-16-15
Ohio 30 days 30 days OH Rev. Code § 5321.17
Oklahoma 30 days 30 days OK Stat. tit. 41 § 111
Oregon 30 days 30 days ORS § 90.427
Pennsylvania No provision 15 days 68 PA Stat. § 250.501
Rhode Island 30 days 30 days RI Gen. Laws § 34-18-37
South Carolina 30 days 30 days SC Code § 27-40-770
South Dakota 15 days 30 days SD Codified Laws § 43-32-13
Tennessee 30 days 30 days TN Code § 66-28-512
Texas 1 month 1 month TX Prop § 91.001
Utah No provision 15 days UT Code § 78B-6-802
Vermont One rental payment period 30 days 9 V.S.A. § 4456 and 9 V.S.A. § 4467
Virginia 30 days 30 days VA Code § 55.1-1253
Washington 20 days 60 days WA Rev. Code § 59.18.200 and WA Rev. Code § 59.18.650
West Virginia 1 month 1 month WV Code § 37-6-5
Wisconsin 28 days 28 days WI Stat. § 704.19
Wyoming No provision No provision n/a
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