Ask myPay -- Online Customer Service

May I view and print my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) / Pay Statement online?


May I view and print my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) / Pay Statement online?


All Active/Reserve Military and Civilians:

You may view, save, and print your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) from myPay by selecting the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) option from your menu. Your LES will remain available for a temporary period after your separation:

Non-Appropriated Fund employees:

Your last 26 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.

Army, Navy and Air Force (Active):

Your last 12 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates. LESs will not be available online after separation.

Army, Navy and Air Force (Reserve):

Your LESs for the last 13 months will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.

Marines (Active and Reserve):

Your last 12 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.


Your last 26 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal pay period updates.

Annuitants and Retired Military:

You can also view and print your account statements on-line.

Former Spouses:

You can view and print your Pay Statement on-line.

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